May 2Liked by Katherine Leak

I love that you made the distinction between DNFing and a "Not Right Now" book. I recently read Carrie Soto is Back after DNFing it a year ago with every intention of coming back to it at a better time. I'm so glad I did! (Also, this is Kayla from @okayletsread—love that you started a Substack!)

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I’m so excited to connect with you here too! I totally agree—there are some books I just knew I would enjoy at a different time and that’s made a big difference for me!

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May 2Liked by Katherine Leak

Trusting that initial instinct is the best way to go. And if you never return to it, that's okay too. 😊

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Apr 26Liked by Katherine Leak

Love this and can relate!! My perfectionism used to get in the way, but now I DNF (and especially “not right now”) proudly!

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Yes! Perfectionism is such a big part of it and why I felt like a failure when I couldn’t finish a book or curate this “perfect” reading list. Once I really accepted that there are no rules when it comes to fun reading, I felt so much better!

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I struggle SO MUCH with not finishing a book, I've very much a person who powers through regardless of liking it or not 🙊 But I love the advice you've shared, especially the 'not right now' pile idea. I think I need something like that!

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I was the exact same way, so I get it! It’s such a tricky mindset to change but thinking about a book as a Not Right Now has definitely been so helpful in relieving that pressure.

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Apr 25Liked by Katherine Leak

As you know, I’m team DNF all the way 👏🏻👏🏻 and glad that we shelved Rootless as NRN but also here’s hoping we can find a good future buddy read that we both love!

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Yes! I’m so glad that we have such similar taste and the same mindset about DNFs!

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